Catering to Student Diversity
Support for Diverse Student Learning Levels
The institution evaluates students’ learning levels and implements targeted programs to support both advanced and slow learners. Multi-tiered strategies are employed to address the varying learning needs of students, beginning with assessments from qualifying exams, entrance tests, and induction programs immediately after admission. This initial evaluation helps faculty tailor their teaching to address individual learning challenges throughout the course.
Students are categorized into slow, average, and advanced learners based on their performance in the initial series of internal exams, with ongoing follow-up by faculty, course coordinators, and the Head of the Department throughout the course.
Special remedial classes are organized for slow learners, scheduled outside regular class hours on specific days, to provide individual attention and support in improving their learning, problem-solving, and presentation skills. Concurrently, the needs of average, progressive, and advanced learners are addressed through assignments, seminars, and peer-group discussions, which are particularly effective. Peer learning benefits all participants, as advanced learners are motivated by deeper exploration, while slower and average learners gain clarity through supportive discussions.
Slow learners receive additional support through individualized counseling by educational psychology faculty and regular sessions with class in-charges. Parents may also be consulted if necessary to further assist the student.
To help slow learners improve their performance, the following measures are implemented:
- Peer Learning: Pairing slow learners with high achievers to enhance their learning capabilities.
- Skills Development: Emphasizing soft and communication skills, particularly for students from rural backgrounds, to bring them up to par with their peers.
For advanced learners, the institution encourages participation in:
- Special Programs: Coding contests, problem-solving workshops, and campus-specific training.
- Additional Courses: Enrollment in NPTEL MOOCs, PYTHON and JAVA certifications, and learning tools such as Android OS, PYTHON etc. programs covering advanced technologies.
Participation in technical, sports, and cultural activities often motivates slow and average learners, leading to improved academic performance as they experience recognition and appreciation for their efforts and skills.
It is frequently observed that slow and average learners show increased motivation and improved academic performance after engaging in technical, sports, and cultural activities. The sense of recognition and appreciation for their efforts and skills significantly boosts their confidence and academic success.
Student-Centric Teaching Methods
The college focuses on student-centered teaching approaches to enrich the learning experience, combining traditional and modern methods to create a dynamic and engaging environment. Key methods include experiential learning, participative learning, and problem-solving techniques, all aimed at holistic student development and fostering lifelong learning.
Participative Learning:
- Design and Solution Development: Students work on solving complex engineering problems and designing system components or processes to address real-world needs through group analysis and brainstorming.
- Mind Mapping for Creativity: Teachers initiate Mind Maps with a central idea, allowing students to explore and expand on novel concepts.
- Innovative Learning Approaches: Techniques like flipped classrooms, blended learning, and model-making are employed for certain topics to boost participative learning.
- MOOCs: Students are encouraged, and now required, to engage in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) from prestigious institutions like NPTEL, featuring online lectures, demonstrations, and Skype interactions.
- Project Work: Students undertake projects involving advanced technologies and software with final-year students investigating 40 to 50 problems under the guidance of project supervisors.
- Professional Society Participation: Involvement in professional societies like IEI (Institution of Engineers (India)) is now mandatory.
- Soft Skills Training: Lab sessions are designed to enhance proficiency in soft and communication skills.
- Industry Engagement: Industry projects and collaborations provide pre-employment training, supplemented by guest lectures on employment skills from industry professionals.
Experiential Learning:
- Practical Courses: Laboratory courses, including virtual labs such as IITB spoken tutorials, are a compulsory part of the curriculum.
- Technical Know-How: Students gain practical skills in maintaining and repairing lab equipment.
- Diverse Learning Methods: Various methods like problem-based, case-based, project-based, inquiry-based, computation-based, and cooperative learning are used as applicable.
- Innovative Projects: Students are encouraged to undertake innovative and mini projects.
- Exhibitions and Open Houses: Regular exhibitions and open houses showcase senior students’ achievements, motivating younger students.
- Complex Problem Investigations: Research-based knowledge and methods are employed to address complex problems, including experimental design, data analysis, and synthesis to draw valid conclusions.
- Studio Performances: Practicing studio performances helps students identify and improve deficiencies, reducing fear and anxiety.
Problem-Solving Methodologies:
- Assignments and Quizzes: Given at the end of each instructional unit.
- Case Study Analysis: Engaging in discussions and analysis of case studies.
- Product Design and Development: Involves creating and developing new products.
All academic activities are aimed at elevating the students’ knowledge, skills and build confidence in them.
Development and Adherence to the Academic Calendar and Teaching Plans
1. Academic Calendar
The Institute gathers plans from Department and Section heads and presents them to the Academic Committee, which then creates a comprehensive Academic Calendar. This calendar is published and posted on notice boards and the college website before the start of classes. It includes key dates such as:
- The first and last day of instruction
- Schedules for internal and external exams
- Preparation holidays before final exams
- Vacation periods
The academic calendar is strictly followed, but any necessary adjustments due to unforeseen circumstances are made by the authorities and promptly updated on notice boards and the website.
2. Teaching Plan
Before the semester begins, Heads of Departments (HODs) meet with their faculty to assign subjects and develop a unit-wise teaching plan. This plan details the course content and lecture hours, ensuring consistent teaching progress. HODs monitor course coverage bi-weekly, addressing any deviations with faculty and scheduling additional classes if needed.
Faculty members prepare a ‘Lecture Schedule’ for each theory subject, which is approved by the HOD and included in the course file at the start of the semester. The schedule, based on the course credits, is shared with students. The HOD and academic auditors oversee the effective implementation of these schedules. Additionally, each Programme Coordinator prepares a calendar of academic events, such as workshops, conferences, guest lectures, and industrial visits, which is submitted for academic auditing at the beginning of the academic year.
The academic plan is designed to meet the requirements of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) as outlined by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA). It includes:
- Course prerequisites
- Course objectives and outcomes
- Mapping of course outcomes to program outcomes
- Learning resources
- Delivery methodologies (Learning by Design)
- Assessment methods
- Detailed unit-wise lecture plans
- Assignment and tutorial questions
- Model question papers
- Links to video lectures
- Additional information beyond the standard curriculum
Use of ICT Tools in Teaching and Learning
Teachers employ ICT-enabled tools and online resources to enhance the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process. All faculty members at the institution utilize these tools to improve content delivery, reinforce concepts, and assist with problem-solving, complementing traditional teaching methods. The institution is committed to integrating innovative approaches to enrich the learning experience.
The institution is well-equipped with a broad range of resources, including numerous computers in engineering departments and the library, high-speed internet access, and general ICT proficiency among both students and faculty. Faculty members receive training in using these tools efficiently through in-house training sessions and faculty development programs offered by institutions like NITTR, IEI etc.

Teaching methods incorporate ICT tools for various purposes such as illustrations, special lectures, field studies, case studies, project-based learning, experimental methods, and flipped classroom sessions. The conventional lecture format helps teachers explain and review topics to enhance student understanding. To further this, students receive specific assignments at the end of each unit to deepen their learning. Lectures are often structured as “learning dialogues,” which include breaks for recapitulation through interactive activities like answering questions, peer discussions, or think-pair-share exercises. This approach blends direct teacher-student interaction with online learning.
ICT components are integrated into the course content across engineering disciplines. These include both free and commercial software for computations and simulations, such as MATLAB for solving equations and analyzing experimental data. ICT tools for course delivery include PowerPoint presentations, video conferencing, and educational websites.
The ICT-enabled teaching-learning process is complemented by regular practical sessions, access to a digital library, online courses (MOOCs, NPTEL), online journals, online tests, and the use of LCD projectors for seminars and workshops. Educational videos and non-print materials are also utilized to support diverse learning needs. Communication skills training is enhanced with ICT tools to improve students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities.

Case studies and project-based learning, which involve participatory and discussion-based approaches, help students develop critical thinking, communication skills, and group dynamics. These methods effectively integrate direct and online interactions. Given the quantitative nature of engineering courses, which involve solving numerous problems, hands-on lab sessions and internships are crucial, making ICT tools an essential part of both faculty and student activities.
Student Performance and Learning Outcomes
Communication and Formulation of Program Outcomes and Course Outcomes
The Program Outcomes (POs), Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs), and Course Outcomes (COs) for all programs offered by the institution are clearly stated and made accessible through the website. They are also communicated to both teachers and students. In alignment with the principles of Outcome-Based Education (OBE), the POs, PSOs, and COs are developed by the department responsible for each program, following extensive consultations with faculty and stakeholders. Once a consensus is reached, these outcomes are widely disseminated through various channels, including:
- The institution’s website
- Curriculum and regulation books
- Classrooms
- Department notice boards
- Laboratories
- Student induction programs
- Meetings and interactions with employers
- Parent meetings
- Faculty meetings
- Alumni meetings
- Professional body meetings
- The library
During student interactions, Heads of Departments (HODs) raise awareness about POs, PSOs, and COs. Faculty members, class teachers, mentors, course coordinators, and program/ISO coordinators also inform students, emphasizing the importance of achieving these outcomes.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) outline the specific skills and accomplishments students are expected to achieve by the end of the program. Typically, two to four PSOs are prepared by program coordinators in consultation with course coordinators. These are reviewed and approved by the Board of Studies (BOS), which includes the Head of the Department and subject experts, and then endorsed by the Principal.
Program Outcomes (POs) are broad objectives that describe the professional achievements the program aims to impart, to be achieved by students upon completing the program. POs encompass a wide range of interrelated knowledge, skills, and personal attributes that students are expected to develop during their studies.
Course Outcomes (COs) are specific statements detailing the essential knowledge and skills students should acquire and the expected depth of learning upon completing a course. These outcomes are prepared by the course coordinator with input from relevant faculty members, verified by the module coordinator, and then discussed and approved in the department’s BOS meeting for each course.
Attainment of program outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the Institution
The institution assesses the achievement of program and course outcomes through a structured evaluation process. Each course has specific outcomes and evaluation criteria. These course outcomes are linked to program outcomes, which provide a quantitative measure of how effectively the program outcomes are being met. Student performance in semester examinations for each course is analyzed to determine the level of achievement of program outcomes (POs) and program-specific outcomes (PSOs) by mapping exam questions to course outcomes (COs) and subsequently to POs and PSOs. The program coordinator, in collaboration with faculty members, prepares the CO-PO & PSO mapping for all courses in the program.
CO Attainment
The assessment of course outcomes uses both direct and indirect methods. Direct assessment includes mid-term exams, final exams, and quizzes, where each question is linked to specific COs. The overall attainment of a CO is evaluated based on the average marks against a predetermined target.
Mid-term exams, conducted twice per semester, evaluate all relevant COs. The final exam, which is descriptive, serves as a metric to determine whether all COs have been achieved. Indirect assessment is carried out through end-of-course surveys.
Rubrics are developed to evaluate Laboratory work, Mini Projects, Major Projects, Seminars, and Internships. The attainment of course outcomes for all courses is assessed according to established achievement levels. Rubrics are developed to evaluate Laboratory, Mini Project, Major Project, Seminar, and Internship courses. The following details outline how the Course Outcomes for each course meet the established attainment levels.
% of CO Attainment | >=70% | >=60% &< 70% | >=50% &< 60% | <50% |
CO Attainment Level | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Assessment of Course Outcomes for Laboratory Courses
The outcomes of a practical course should meet at least one or more of the established program outcomes. These outcomes represent the knowledge, skills, and values students should exhibit upon completing the course. The attainment of Course Outcomes (COs) is calculated based on the percentage of students achieving over 80% in each assessed criterion.
Attainment of Program Outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes
Courses contributing to Program Outcomes (POs) are identified and evaluated through direct assessments, which include internal exams (20% weightage), external exams (80% weightage), and indirect assessments (such as end-of-course surveys). The results from these assessments are compared to the expected attainment levels. A PO is deemed achieved if the expected level is met.
For each course, the attainment level of each CO is compared to predefined targets. If the targets are not met, the course coordinator implements necessary improvements. If the target level is not reached, faculty members recommend actions to achieve the desired outcomes.
Average pass percentage of students
Total number of final year students who passed the examination conducted by institution: 1891
Total number of final year students who appeared for the examination: 1792
Average Pass Percentage: 94.76