Our Vision is to become center of excellence in scientific and technical education. We are committed to produce ethically strong and morally elevated human resource to the society and industry. We impart futuristic technical education and make our students technologically sound through effective curriculum and infrastructure so as to produce the tomorrow’s leaders and innovators.
- To provide a sustainable environment that is conducive to the highest academic attainments.
- To provide cutting edge technical knowledge to ignite the minds of the budding students those who join the institution through a tough competition.
- To stimulate an enterprising spirit among students.
- To build a center of excellence for modern technical know-how and stimulate a passion for research in the new and emerging areas of technology.
- To develop a sophisticated, modern and green campus congenial to the teaching – learning process and impart value-based education to tech-savvy students.
- To establish a synergetic partnership with Industries and different R & D organizations.