Internal Institute Level Hackathon – 2024

Date: 12-09-2024

Location: S.N. Bose Seminar Hall, DIATM

Event Title: Internal Institute Level Hackathon 2024

1. About the Event

Event Description: The Internal Institute Level Hackathon 2024, held on 12-09-2024 at S.N. Bose Seminar Hall, DIATM, was an internal hackathon organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Durgapur Institute of Advanced Technology & Management. The event was designed to stimulate innovation, foster team collaboration, and offer students an opportunity to address real-world challenges through creative problem-solving.


  • Innovation: To inspire students to develop cutting-edge solutions and showcase their creativity.
  • Collaboration: To encourage teamwork and collaboration across different departments and disciplines.
  • Real-world Application: To provide a practical platform where theoretical knowledge can be applied to solve tangible problems.


  1. Registration and Welcome Address
    • Time: 02:00 PM
    • Description: Participants registered and were welcomed by SPOC, who provided an overview of the day’s events.
  2. Problem Statements Presentation
    • Time: 03:00 PM
    • Description: Participants from various departments and semesters shared problem statements that teams would work on during the hackathon.
  3. Team Formation and Brainstorming
    • Time: 03:30 PM
    • Description: Participants formed teams and began brainstorming solutions based on the presented problem statements.
  4. Presentation of Solutions
    • Time:03:45 PM
    • Description: Each team presented their solutions to the judges, showcasing their innovation and problem-solving skills.
  5. Judging and Award Ceremony
    • Time:05:10 PM
    • Description: Judges evaluated the presentations and announced the winners, recognizing outstanding contributions with awards and certificates.

2. Event Photos

  • Team Activities: Images of teams engaged in brainstorming, coding, and development sessions.
  • Presentations: Photos of teams presenting their projects to the judges.

Sample photos:

3. Judges and Jury Panel


  • Mr. Amlan Pathak Mukherjee – Head of Department and Assistant Professor of MCA Department, DIATM
  • Mr. Shouvik Sarkar – Assistant Professor of ME Department, DIATM
  • Mrs. Moumita Dey  – Assistant Professor of CSE Department, DIATM

Role in the Event:

  • Judges evaluated the project presentations based on criteria such as innovation, practicality, technical execution, and presentation skills. They played a crucial role in selecting the top teams and providing feedback.

4. Participants Overview

Total Teams and Students Participated:

  • Total Number of Teams: 6
  • Total Number of Participants: 36

Teams and Projects:

  • Team Name 1 – Quantum Questers
    • Description: Smart Education, a Concept that Describes learning in digital age. It enables learners to learn more effectively,efficiently,flexibly and comfortably..
  • Team Name 2 – Tech Titans
    • Description: Smart Education, a Concept that Describes learning in digital age.It enables learner to learn more effectively,efficiently,flexibly and comfortably.
  • Team Name 3 – Code Catalysts
    • Description: Disaster Management includes ideas related to risk mitigation and Planning before,after or Duration of Disaster.
  • Team Name 4 –Flying Eye
    • Description: Drone-based Intelligent ET sensing system and irrigation water use accounting system for irrigation commands.
  • Team Name 5 – Synergy Savants
    • Description: Smart Education, a Concept that Describes learning in digital age. It enables learner to learn more effectively,efficently,flexibly and comfortably.
  • Team Name 6 – Vortex Crew
    • Description: Enhancing Navigation for Railway Station Facilities and  Locations

6. Social Media Highlights

